Just a few stalwarts attended this 2nd event at Oasis Academy. Thanks to all who helped, especially Fran and Malcolm who gave up their Saturday and did not run. A great team effort and some got a few kms of exercise.

Teri chose to do the 'Orange course' and completed it competently. Daughter Robyn with her daughter Imogen came a creditable 1st on the 'White course' having practised earlier in the year at the Poacher. Tracey took 1st place on Orange after a stint covering registration. The technical was gaffled but as it happened there weren't enough competitors for it to be useful. The splits show 2 courses (on technical) but they were identical in distance and equal in the legs, though not necessarily in the same order.

John and Neil traveled massive distances to attend, thanks for your dedication and support. On the 'Technical course!' Sam, just back from China came a close 2nd to Neil just back from the 'podium' in Madrid.

We think the 5th November is not a good day to stage Orienteering for obvious reasons! What day will it land on next year? Some people know these things.

Route gadget for the 'Orange', Tech.1 & Tech.2 courses are now loaded. Look in 'events' - 'results' for basic 'classes' results.

I will donate the maps to the Academy so that they can use the same control sites during their O'classes.