Well done all you 'Arctic Explorers' for turning out in such cold weather. Most folks would have been couch-potato-ing Man U & Liverpool, or just keeping warm by the fire. We were pleasantly set-up in the cosy Newby Centre at Weelsby Wood. The room was full but the forest had lots more room for orienteers.

We picked up some new orienteers who are keen to return, but, to Oasis Wintringham Academy on 31st March usual time of 1pm.

The 80mm of snow obscured some of the paths but the local canine walkers made some tracks but not necessarily in the correct direction.

It was great to have visitors from as far a field as Leicester, Cleveland and Lincoln, not forgetting to mention Hull and Finningley.

Participants on the 'Orange' and 'Technical' courses could not have avoided the bramble thorns (Mary C was well scrathed) and small flat control markers. 'Hunt the SI box' - the title of our next event unless I purchase/make some 'mini-kites', (small control markers visible from all directions - 360 degrees). I failed to give the exact position (SE edge) of the clearing (95) so apologies - the controller has had a word with me. The gully also presented a problem because the SI box was placed on the side of rather than in the bottom. In the old days I would probably have named it 'deep dry ditch East side top/bank?’

Charlotte was clear winner on the 'Yellow' and the Morrisons ahead on the 'White'. Brian and Neil topped the 'Technical' and 'Orange' respectively. Sarah from LOG was 1st woman on the Technical in a creditable 35 minutes, and she was fastest from 4 to 5 (42 seconds). Matt is showing promise after being orienteering for several months only.

Why not have a look at Route Gadget for the Technical course.
