The 2012 Poacher Season started in it's traditional way with excellent courses from 'veteran' planner Sam in an excellent runnable area, where straight line running was the key.The Met Office forecast surprise,surprise was also inaccurate (fortunately).
Further thanks goes to Pete S's SI input,with the help of Dorothy,once again this proved to be invaluable - with the facility of on screen up to date results. This year competitors will also be able to analyse their runs with the use of Winsplits as well as the usual RouteGadget and Splitalyser.
Last night we also saw (possibly) the furthest anyone has travelled to a Poacher event - Australia - were you using your Southern hemisphere compass Howard?
To the courses, the usual suspects were prevalent, but on the long course Poacher 2011 Champion was beaten in a neck to neck battle with Zac, with encouraging runs from local lads Lewis and Digby.Did the pressure of playing their 'Joker' have an adverse effect on future planners, Peter H & Pete S', performances?On the Medium course Jake looks set to retain his title(already)but special mention to the Simmonds' with dad Chris breathing down Jake's neck and Dom after graduating from the newcomer's last year performing above par.Tracey and Fran seem to have upped their performances on last year - must be a result of all the intensive coaching they have received over the winter at the Oasis thanks to mentor Brian S.Good to see some new faces on the Short Course - early days to determine a future winner - but there must have been some interesting banter in the Jolly household with Marsaili and Elspeth dead heating.
So to next week where the competition will be greater with those returning from North of the Border after competing at the JK - hope you didn't have too much porridge Mary!The venue being Osgoodby - new map and the area not having been used on the shorter courses before. Don't expect the same runnability!
Next week's Post Race Analysis will be at chez Harris in Tealby as it is my birthday & Amber's the day afterwards, anyone wishing to party, if they already haven't let me know, please do so at so Isoldt can cater accordingly (and arrange sufficient chairs for those wanting to watch Chelsea v Barcelona!).
Hope to see another good turnout.
Peter Harris