I knew I shouldn't have commented last week about Malcolm getting drenched the previous Wednesday putting out controls. A similar fate inflicted me - a few people did remark that at 3 p.m. they did sympathise, whilst considering whether to brave the weather or not. Yet again it did clear up - the Met Office have a lot to answer for, especially those who work at Scampton! I hope the courses made it worthwhile and nobody got entirely stuck in the mud. The Short course saw a new winner in Jacob - hopefully he can follow in the footsteps of Dominic and progress accordingly at the same rate - we need an injection of youth in th club. Special mention to Pat who persisted to the end. The Medium course saw Grimsbarian Lee make a welcome comeback and take the honours. Jake hopes this was just a warm up to tackling the long course in future weeks? The leg 7 to 8 seemed to produce a wide variety of times - keeping close contact with the map combined with optimum route choice was the key. The long course will be nip and tuck (literally in Lewis' case)with Zac benefitting from last weeks 'jankers',triumphing over the ever consistent Liam. Control 3 proved to be a talking point - hope the scaling and descending of the 'hill' - without the aid of rope - was not too problematic, especially for the girls! Sam played his joker and wilted under the pressure - fortunately Brian kept his under wraps after inadvertently missing a control. Next week we return to Poacher ever present venue Willingham Woods - the post race venue will now be in a pub (Tbc)in Tealby - somewhere where you will not need a Platinum Credit Card! DUE TO A LACK OF FORTHCOMING VOLUNTEERS IN COLLECTING CONTROLS THE ROTA SYSTEM WILL BE REINTRODUCED - HOPEFULLY IN TIME FOR NEXT WEEK - see Website for details. Peter