Neil, one of our 'professional' orienteers produced some 'professional' courses at another of the Yarborough Estates runnable areas. The infamous nettles are thriving on the plentiful Spring rainfall - at least there was some welcome sunshine and the views to the north were impressive.
It will be 'squeaky bum'time soon in the Field household with the gaps closing on the leader boards. Liam's 4 second winning margin being the highlight on the Long Course - is he going to produce an Agueroesque finish? Good to see former Junior Champion Eleanor return from her Antipodean adventure and take some notable scalps. It was also a good evening for the Simmons (without the D)duo - with season best performances from Paul and Pat. Those with artificial joints seemed to be able to negotiate the stiles well - as their times were above par - I think some might have had springs inserted. On the Short course Marsaili's absence (school open day visit) has given her sisters' the initiative in the League - will it be short lived?
Thanks go to our neighbours from LOG - who collected in the controls - in record time - gave the organisers more time in the New Inn.
Other volunteers required at subsequent events - starting next week at SamCam Land (PM's in laws territory) - Normanby Park South. This area was not used last year - how much has it changed? In the past the vegetation changes, intricate contour detail and extensive path network have provided a navigational test even for the most experienced competitors. The fact that 2 jokers are being played next week - shows that some have confidence in their ability - or do they have inside information???