Even faster and even more furious this week with the Poacher venturing to the northern outpost of Barton on Humber for the first time in it's 15 year history. When I had mentioned that tactics would be key for this format - I was not expecting 'team running' to be quite as prevalent - that's 'healthy' competition for you!This has resulted in Jake now (I believe) having an unassailable lead on the Medium but Liam still has an outside chance of retaining his trophy on the Long with another victory next week and Zac finishing outside the first two. So at least one course goes down to the wire.
I hope you were not disrupted by the locals trying to interfere with one of the controls - without gripples to secure boxes and kites we would not be able to use such park environments.Thanks once again to Pete S to be able to produce live sophisticated results for this event and still have time to run - he spends many hours behind the scenes creating this service for you. I hope you appreciate all the time and effort he puts in.

Next week the last of the Poacher League Events is a combination and mix of all of the previous Series Events. There will be a seperate Short course due to the nature of the area but the 5 courses (1km to 3 km) will be used for the Medium and Long. The minimum length for W60- on the Long will also be reduced to 5.5kms. Tactics I am sure will once again be key - but with the added complication of climb per km coming in to play. The undergrowth (particularly the nettles) is also a factor - the greater the protection the better. Long sleeves and two layers advised!! Presentations in New Inn after the event.
Changes to parking etc. next week - see Event link.

The following week sees three events - Weds 27th - the first Poacher KO Cup at Swallow Vale - (see seperate main page feature in due course). Thurs 28th - the Lincolnshire Challenge - contact Neil to register interest. Sunday July 1st A Colour-coded event at Normanby Hall Country Park (incorporating the YHOA schools champs). A chance to run in the Northern part of the park, longer courses will still visit the notorious Bagmoor Lane section! (Contact Neil if you are able to help on the day). Then we can all have a well earned rest (except those going to Wales)!!
