They think its all over - it is now (except for those entered for the KO Cup next week)!The last 11 weeks has certainly gone quickly.
The Long Course went into 'Fergie' time with Zac able to hold off the challenge from Liam, who's average speeds slowed as the evening progressed and fatigue set in. Even victory would have meant Zac having to come third for Liam to retain the trophy and LOG's budget could not sustain the cost of flying in Swedish elite orienteers to compete and influence the League positions (that would be team tactics)!LOG did get a pot - Paul gaining his SECOND Poacher title (now a Veteran).Other Poacher past winners Helena/Dave O/Pete K and the Field juniors (Jake/Yasmin & Joe) retained and secured the other trophies. There was one new winner,Jacob Smith on the short course who was able to complete his course successfully and hence overtake the Jolly sisters. Commiserations go out to them - but there is always next week - th KO Cup is much more lucrative and you have three chances to win!
Thanks to all the planners this year (plenty of opportunities for new planners next year - have already received one offer)and to all the competitors, new and old - hope you all return next year, even Malcolm & Fran who will be more than welcome - it's not that a long commute from Edinburgh.
There are plenty of Orienteering opportunities in the near future - in particular Lincs Challenge on June 28th and our Sunday event on July 1st at Normanby Hall. Then early autumn there are the coaching sessions (North & South Banks)and the possibility of a Pub League - just so that Tracey can exact her revenge over Geoff? As ever full details on the website.