Thank you for attending a pleasant event on Saturday, not too cold or wet. On the White course several people did nt register at control '75'. I have re-instated you because the SI box has proved to be unreliable; it is off in the post for repair.

John Butler, Welsh veteran, took the 'Orange' course narrowly by 84 seconds from Dominic Simmonds. On splitalyser you will see that John had a suberbly consistent run as the straight line shows on the 'absolute time' option.

Up and coming star, Brian Hostad, had a similarly consistent run with a 6 minute lead over experienced Paul Simmons. First lady, Mary Carrick, lost a place by having made 4 mistakes during her course worth 7 minutes. You will see that her line on 'splitalyser absolute-time' dipped at 7; 11; 17 and 18; the last 2 probably because of tiredness; the first 2 perhaps because the planner had set some interesting challenges. 3 runners on the 'Technical' course lost time on control 7, 'the fence'. Typically this control was directly North from '6' and required the 'aiming-off' technique to collect it swiftly.