This can only be a preliminary report, as I don't have the actual results from the Orienteering. However I can report that the HALO quiz team of Helen, Neil, Ken, Paul and Tom did pretty well, coming third out of about 12 teams. Ken's botanical knowledge served us very well, although we did struggle with the film stars eyes. Free sandwiches as well - but not until about 10:30.
Regarding the Orienteering event - well done to Brian W for getting to all controls and less than two minutes over time, Zac got all but one and as he was less than a minute over time, he takes top honours. Well done both.
For those that ventured to the hill on the SE part of the map, sorry about the mud. The muddy lower field had a full crop of Willow Trees on when I checked the control sites on Sunday morning at 8am (on my way home from the Humber Night Challenge). I was rather surprised to hear they had comletely gone.
Due to a double Orienteering booking, I couldn't be there to set up, so a big thank you to Ken and Paul for putting the controls out and to Pete S and Brian for setting up inside. And thanks also to Pete H, Helen and Tom for helping me to collect in - i discovered that Pete H doesn't like collecting them in - who'd have thought it!
A big thank you to Pete S for creating live results for a Score event - it even checks for duplicate controls! if it was left to me, I would still be sat in the cave reading from the printouts!
I may add to this when I see the full results.
And thank you to Pat and the staff from The Bear for their hospitality.