The unexpected adverse weather conditions did not hopefully dampen spirits too much, only the bagging of maps suffered(such a chore). The semi-impassable path
did not seem to effect the results, except for those failing to heed the advance warning.The format seemed to work again for this area, not used for Poacher for 8 plus years - despite competitors having to stay warm between runs (not ideal, but not anticipated for Mid June).
No trophies to be settled on the Long (I suspect) now that Helena has overtaken Harriet. Mentions more for those who took longer on a shorter course than a longer one (you know who you are) and for the last two out; after their long stints on registration had to endure longer than expected runs during the twilight hours (we all know who you are).
On the Medium, according to my rough calculations, Yasmin can still tie with David with a victory next week and Devon can still beat Joe for the Junior title with a first or second place.The engraving for those trophies will have to wait. Mention for Scott again, who was the first competitor this year to manage to do all 5 courses and still able to win - without mispunching (a feat a number could not do for one course - you know who you are!).
Marsaili's absence now gives Emily the chance to take top spot next week - despite an ankle sprain she was able to hold off the others and take maximum points.
Next week sees the last Poacher Event of the Series, incorporating the HALO v LOG Lincolnshie Challenge Shield match, at the ever popular Swallow Vale.The inclines will certainly effect the mins per km. All are welcome to the Presentations at the Blacksmith Arms at Rothwell (note the changed venue).