Congratulations to the twenty or so hardy individuals who braved the wintry conditions in Beverley on Wednesday night. Mary and I were wondering if anyone would turn up as the snow started to fall in the afternoon as we put out the controls.
I had planned the control sites so as to make it very difficult for anyone to get to all 24. The windy and snowy weather that started on the afternoon meant that I didn't expect anyone to get them all. So well done to Kate and Stuart who did brilliantly to get them all. Special mention to Thomas Honniball and the Brants who were both convinced that they had been to them all, but in each case only 23 controls had registered. (You must always make sure the control has registered before leaving - less haste, more speed!). The Evins family did particularly well, given their age - they also won the rosey cheeks competition.
Thank you to everyone who took part.
Thank you also to Mary, Paul and Brian who helped me collect the controls, we had to de-ice quite a few of the Gripples to get them off the lampposts. We then had to adjourn to Nellies where we dried out the controls in front of a roaring fire. We were forced to have a pint waiting for them to dry - life can be rough sometimes.