One of our regular haunts was selected for the HALO Champs this year. The planning has to recognise that most sites have been used previously so, it needs to get a different direction of attack. The southern part, the community woodland, is always difficult to navigate at this time of year owing to long grass and bracken. Many of the minor paths are overgrown. On Friday I cleared one of the paths, using my secateurs, only to find that the marked path was further over! So, I had to reinstate the bracken - just joking!

I was pleased with the turn out on such a gusty blustery day. Orienteering - rain or shine!

Some notable performances from Family Haskins, Luke on Orange, Danny Chan (new HALO member) winner on Light Green, but only just, with Amanda Ward hot on his tail. Paul (new HALO committee member) 1st on the Green, and Neil Harvatt (champ of this and champ of the other and Orienteer of the year) leading the 'Blues'. Brian Ward, who would normally be in contention for the Blue lead, had a disaster with his spectacles which left him seriously disadvantaged. The splits show him as in the lead up to control 4.

Other notable 'firsts', which most people would not notice (evident in the splits), were some fastest legs on the Blue: - Pete Harris (leg 2); and Brian Hostad legs (7; 14; 19). Both of these athletes train at the Scunthorpe and Grimsby Club Nights on Wednesdays, where speed, stamina and technical skills are developed vigorously, and some times excruciatingly.

"Get Planning & Coaching", it is so satisfying.

Thanks for the kind comments on the quality of the courses. There were some constructive map comments re possible updates which will be attended to on my/who-so-ever's next visit.

It was great to see Pete and Christine Roberts who are veterans of mapping, planning and organising orienteering events in the North of England since the early 70s. The Yellow course was appropriately accessible to Pete's high powered (4mph), cross country wheelchair. Incidentally, Christine produced the Barton Urban map and is currently updating and extending the Leconfield (old airfield) map.