A big thank you to Mike and Dorothy for planning today's courses - especially the Norwegian Technical course. We should do more of these 'training' techniques at the Saturday events (note to self!).
Well done to Elizabeth and Harry on completing the White course on their own - they would have had the fastest times too if it wasn't for Tracey (on a cool down) and Jacob (supposedly injured- I wish I could run that quick when injured).
Fastest two times on Yellow went to the Houlden family. Lawrence managed the best time on the Orange, this after coaching Elizabeth and Harry round the Yellow course. Three of the top four places on the Norwegian were taken by the returning Roman Gladiators - that warm Italian sunshine must be good for you. Pete Shew had a good run to come in second.
Thank you to all who helped Mike and Dorothy put on the event - Pat, Ann, Pete, Pete, Isoldt and Helen.
Next Saturday event - November 16th on Beverley Westwood.