We are rarely able to anticipate numbers at our events. An anouncement on Friday am on Radio Humberside, advertising Orienteering at Beverley Westwood, was disconcerting. I emailed them to correct the advert but know not if it was followed up. The event was placed in the Grismby Telegraph 'What's on', so thanks to the paper for responding to the 'flyer' which I sent out 2 weeks ago to the press, radios and schools.

Our largest response came from New Waltham Academy (NWA), where one of the teachers distributed the flyer throughout the school. The school's interest sprouted from The Humberston Academy 'Festival of Orienteering' which is organised by HALO coaches. The senior school, in September, invite Year 6 pupils from their catchment area to a 3 hour activities session of mazes, grids, star and classic orienteering.

Tobias, from NWA, with his family had their successful debut on the White course. A very reasonable time was recorded for this 1.3km course with 9 controls. The course required the competitor to locate a minor path, which, for some time was illusive to the newcomers. Nevertheless, Tobias was ready to have a try at the Yellow course but the family had run out of time.

Robert was well ahead of Grace's large group on the Yellow. He with his dad, managed to catch up and then overtake to finish first with an 11 minute lead.

Harriet, with her daughter in tow, had a clear win on the Orange course. Rosie on her fisrt solo event produced a good time (24.57) on the Yellow but failed to check the code number at 1 and registered number 94 (earthwall) instead of number 80 (path). The two sites were quite close together. The rest of Rosie's course went without hitch. She claims a good knowledge of navigation which she proved on her first ever O'event.

Veteran Martin from Lincoln Orienmteering Group, who was making his first visit to CCP, produced a close win over Harriet and Paul, both having experienced The Park previously. Luke, M14, had a great run taking on the challenges of the Technical Course. Does that mean that he is now experienced? He recorded fastest legs on 12 and 14. (see the file on 'string results' button)

Coaching and mii-events at Oasis Wintringham Academy every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month 6pm to 7.30. All welcome.