19 people took part, on the brand new map, on a very pleasant evening. Universal opinion seemed to be that the area offered lots of challenges and was very suitable for urban events. Thanks to Mary for planning the event and locating the controls to really test the runners. The fastest man on the night (Thomas Honniball) cleared all the controls with 2 seconds to spare. Perhaps Brian Ward would have done even better if it wasn't for a dodgedly positioned control circle.
Thanks also to Neil and Paul for helping to put out controls which allowed the members of the 'retirement' club to have very early starts in the late afternoon sunshine. Pete Shew took advantage with one of his best runs yet in the urban setting.
Thanks also to the collectors (Thomas, Xial, Neil, Brian, Petes (H and S) and Dave. This was the last of the current series of Pub Leagues - they will start again in the Spring.
But Orienteering events will still be available on Thursday evenings. The first HALO Night League will start on November 14th, consisting of four successive Thursday night events, culminating in the YHOA Night League event on Saturday December 7th.