The first of our Night events had a reasonable attendance of 18 brave folks. Certainly sufficient to continue with the series (next week Humber Bridge Country Park - registration at the Country Park Inn on the foreshore. Plus quiz at 9pm).
Paul and Jake topped the table with a clean sweep of all 20 controls - not easy in the daylight at Normanby, let alone in the dark. Their positions were unchanged after the handicap was applied. One of the beneficiaries of the handicap was Pete S who moved up from an impressive 5th to an even better 4th after collecting a creditable 13 controls (who applies the handicap by the way?). The main beneficiaries were the ladies (Dorothy from 17th to 13th, Mary from 16th to 11th and Kaele 14th to 9th). Joe did very well, only 7 people got more controls than he did. Well done Joe.
Apologies to those flummoxed by control 41 - that hill top is very runnable if only you could parachute onto it - if it is any consolation, I got caught by the bramble when collecting it, but I did find the indistinct path that seemed very reclusive during the event.
Thanks to Brian, Pete, Mary, Pat and Paul for clearing up and collecting controls after the event.