Honours tonight went to the Fields, Dean and Jake. Both collected all 20 controls with Dad Dean 26 seconds quicker. That, together with the handicap adjustment gave Dean a commanding lead. Brian W, on one of his rare night excursions, was 3rd, also collecting all controls - with 8 minutes to spare.
Special mention to three of the less young members - Chairman Brian finished in 4th place, Mary came back within the time limit (and finished 6th). Commiserations, though to Paul, who had a great run, only to inadvertently miss one of the controls. That control in less than 4 minutes, would have given Paul 2nd place.
Thanks to Pete and Mary for helping on the start and to Brian, Alex, Helen and Danny for collecting controls.
Next week - Brumby and Central Park.
Footnote, 4 gallant members stayed on at the Country Park Inn for a quiz. Sadly we didn't win the quiz, but we triumphed in the bingo and won a bottle of wine. Favourite quiz question of the night was - 'What type of animal was the Disney dog, Droopy?'
Answers on a postcard!