This was a well attended event by those new to orienteering. We hope you enjoyed the courses and will return when we plan at Weelsby Woods.

If you thought the muddy paths were infuriating, think of me. I was out there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Why on Sunday, well, the rains came down at 3.10pm on the day and our collectors were ready to go but some being wet thro' and cold were reprieved. Thanks for offering, it is much appreciated. That was Brian Hostad and Paul Simmons. Dave Jolly collected 8 nearby controls whilst he walked his dogs. I collected the remaining 22 on Sunday just before the rain came at 10am. I was able to hose down my boots and gaiters at home which is within walking distance of the park. Must not forget Luke's Dad who kindly ran the start for 2 hours. Our usual helpers, Tracey and Dave Offler, were suffering from the dreaded lurgy, and could not make it on this occasion.

Luke had a quick White course after tackling the Technical course. Both times being exemplary. On the 'White' also were newcomers Ciaran and Kieran in 2nd and 3rd places separated by just 12 seconds. A very good start to your orienteering, you can only improve now you have the 'bug'. Note that all those on the white course achieved 'The Standard'. Robert stormed home on the Yellow in 29 minutes just 3 minutes ahead of George and Archie. So well done all 3. Perhaps we will have a M14 contest luming for Weelsby? Isla and Dad, on 'Orange' managed a lead of 7 minutes on John Butler, X Chair of HALO and current YHOA M70S League Champion. Brian Ward, 1st in 27 minutes, HALO, and a top national urban orienteer showed how he is still a master of rough terrain. His placing was contested by Dave Jolly who ran through the thunderstorm to record a creditable time of 33 minutes.

Marsaili and Brian 'mispunched' owing to the violent thunderstorm. Both are normally high in the results.

Orienteering is an all weather sport but on this occasion retirement was a very sensible option. Lets hope that this type of weather does not happen too often.