At 12.30pm Mary Carrick and I were worried about what the turn out might be for this SHALOL event. We being the only two, I set Mary off to awaken the SI boxes for the rest of you who we were hopeful would arrive. The details of the event were widely distributed but there is no telling who did promote it. Please let me know how you found out about the event if it was not from the HALO web-site.

The planners were not available on the day but they had put hours of planning into the event. Flora had planned the White, Elspeth the Yellow, Marsaila the Orange and Dave Jolly the Technical. Dave, Flora and Elspeth had visited on the Friday to tape the control sites whilst I was updating some of the changed vegetation. The blue tape was very helpful for me when placing the kites etc on Saturday morning.

Thanks to people for feedback on the map, especially in relation to the hedges some of which were the wrong green colour. I have rectified that today whilst it is still fresh in my colour blind mind! The map was converted to ISSOM symbols last year and anomalies still linger here and there.

The courses were well planned with the White and Yellow being distinctly different to enhance the enjoyment of new comers who might wish to do both courses.

Andrew and son went hard around the White but followed closely by Robert who is now a regular top White runner.

Convincing again on the Yellow, Andrew and son, showed that this team from the out-backs of North Lincs is not to be under-estimated. A good turn out from the Cooks on this course gives them the best family 'team' result.

The leader on the Orange, old timer bionic knees Offler flew around in 20:57 only 24 seconds ahead of, Mastermind Fame, Lawrence Cook. Dave had had the advantage of running the Technical prior this course, which had many same controls.

A cleverly planned Technical course gave opportunities to run straight in the wooded area, obviating the tendency to go off bearing depending on the kites spotted in the distance. The latter part of the course turned competitors continuously to test their ability to keep contact with the fast park terrain. Brian Ward had a comfortable win taking 4:47 off Chris Gooch's creditable time of 25:49. Amanda Ward commented that she could have just beaten Brian if he had gone twice around the course.

Thanks to Mary, John and Chris Simmonds (Newsletter extrodinaire) for kite collecting and helping to pack the equipment. All SI gear was found undisturbed this time, whereas last year we had some taken and damaged.

Thanks to the Jollys for their excellent contribution to the event. You will have noted that the SI Box number codes are now in the hundreds. It is our new set of equipment bought from a Sport England Grant. The equipment is stored by the Jolly Family.