18 runners took up the challenge of the many bridges on the Hull map. I had timed the event to coincide with a high tide and so the risk factor was high. A number of people were caught out by the lock gates on the Marina. Congratulations to Jake, Dean, Thomas and Brian who managed all 20 controls (and Dave who thought he had!). Also collecting all twenty were Dom and Chris, with Chris on the odds and Dom on the evens (or vice versa).
The results are handicapped according to age which gave excellent positions for club stalwarts, Ken and Mary. In fact Ken had high hopes for victory with only the last finisher, Thomas, thwarting his hopes. (Brian W has asked to be classed non-comp as he re-started after an abortive initial run around the Marina when all bridges were against him).
Many thanks to Lawrence, Jake, Dave, Ken and Thomas for collecting controls and to Brian S for collecting the one that Jake forgot!
Next week Black Bull, Brigg (March 20 2014). See you there.