Many thanks to the sacrifice made by Brian Slater who planned the event, printed the maps, organised the venue including the food and cheap beer (good quality low price (Doombar - £1.50 a pint!)), put all the controls out in the afternoon but was then unable to be there on the night - although he was at a party so we perhaps shouldn't feel too sorry for him.
10 runners achieved the maximum 25 controls with Paul Murgatroyd fastest in 27:37, followed by Brian Ward in 28:24. The handicap system favoured Brian who took first place on the night with LOG's Anne Gibbs second. It clearly pays to have a system of knowing which controls you have visited, both Andrew Ridgway and Ross Beesley were well under the 45 minute time limit, yet each missed one control, costing them vital bonus points. Timing is another important factor, Stuart Whittingham, had one of his best runs, getting over half the controls in less than half the allocated time, but thought he had been out for 42 minutes rather than 22 - new watch for Stuart!
The handicapped score results can be viewed by clicking the "string results" link - don't ask me why!
Also thanks to Chris and Lawrence for assisting in the kite collecting - it is appreciated.
Many thanks to the staff at The Queen's Head for their hospitality. Next week Beverley at The Green Dragon (tbc) in the Saturday Market. Hope to see you there. Neil Harvatt