Brian Hostad planned interesting and challenging courses. Favourable comments were made by participants, most enjoying the Technical course. Paul Simmons was victorious over Luke, Stuart, Mike and Harriet who were close on his heels.

Stuart opted for a second run clocking 8.5 minute kms on the 'Orange'. Not bad for a relatively newcomer who has been gaining experience by attending most HALO events over the last few months. He will be planning at East Park so don't miss out on his creativity if at all possible!!!

Anothet 1/2 term event which failed to attract newcomers in abundance. The Sargents were here for the first time and made a creditable appearance on 'White' and then 'Orange'. Mrs S., casually attired in her 'last of the season long dress', confidently rambled in, in good time with Hubby. Watch this space!

Thanks to the helpers Mary and Jackie pre-race, and Paul, Mike and Dorothy post race. Big thanks to Brian H who placed the controls on the previous evening so that he could compete (successfully, as it happened) at the LOG event at Washingboro' SE of Lincoln. Check out his time on LOG-online!

He returned to Normanby in time to be 'start official' and control collector. Brian is getting faster every week, he also attends the Grimsby Club night; is this significant? Discuss.

Brian Slater, Organiser