Another glorious Spring evening (long may it continue)produced another healthy turn out with a number making their first appearance of the Series. It was however last weeks contenders who were 'match' fit.
Alex's courses were relatively quick (times on a par to last week) with plenty of route choice and sufficient technicality to even fool the best - with the in form Liam suffering as a consequence. No mispunches this week and only a few over the hour mark - so top planning and smiley faces.
Bentley scored a victory on the Short with a winning margin of 8 seconds, benefitting from the Jolly and Morrow clans being away.
On the Medium, Kate scored a well deserved victory after being pipped on the post last week beating the consistent Chris by less than a minute.After last week's Junior high placings they once again excelled themselves by taking 4 out of the top 6 places.Good to see Mark return to Poacher country after his recent move to York.
On the Long Zac stormed round in 5.3 minutes per km - the road speeds for many of us - must have been the paternal influence this week.Paul in second again will be there or thereabouts at the end of the Series;2 other notable performances from relative newcomers Stephen and Lawrence.Good to see Martin K also return to the area - well he does have original Poacher in his DNA.
Next week we return to Willingham Woods where the assembly will be in the centre of the forest and NOT the picnic car park - access from A631 just before the kiosk if travelling from Rasen (follow the signs).