The newly mapped area of Twigmoor Woods lived up to its expectations thanks partly to Mike & Dorothy's skillfully planned courses and partly to Valter's cartography skills.The area certainly had its ups and downs where concentration was required at all times,with staying in contact with the map being the key.The marshy sections, I am sure could have been a lot worse in terms of wetness if we had not experienced such a dry April. This event was also a trial to assess its possible use for future Regional Day and Night Events. It will no doubt be also part of the regular Poacher Calendar.
Thanks to all for opening and closing the entrance gate when not manned.
To the courses - as anticipated the 'cream' came to the top - especially to those who followed a certain re-entrant!!!Don't ask???
Congratulations to all course winners, who now are the favourites for top places for their respective League Titles - although I am sure it will go down to the wire with plenty of others pushing them hard.
Plenty of rivalries developing - Marsaili and Emily are continuing their battle where they left off on the Short last year but good to see them excelling on the Medium. Geoff beat Tracey for the first time this year.Helena produced another solid performance to beat her illustrious rivals and Mary C beat the 90 minute barrier (must point out not a first).
Next week we return to Yarborough Country - Mausoleum Woods (Southern End) with Parking at Great Limber Village Hall (50m South of the old New Inn). Access to Woods is the other side of A18 past the Church - Take Care Crossing.