7 down 4 to go. Then LUL, before that LCS & Bev Urban - no respite for planners, organisers & competitors alike. Only one more week of hills/slopes/valley sides before the ultra fast flat sprint/park areas.Paul created good courses that utilised the slopes at all angles with good route choice decisions where it was certainly survival of the fittest.
The short course was a close fought battle with Bentley beating League Leader Elspeth by a minute with title contender Holly third, with Robert producing a joint season's best in fourth.
The medium course is promising to be the closest ever finish, with Chris earning a well deserved first victory of the season - this result catapulted him to the top of the table as it coincided with Yasmin's first podiumless result. Joe produced his best result also and gives him the upper hand to retain his junior title, although Dom & Luke are handily placed if he slips up.Lawrence had a costly mp and his chances may now be over and now needs four clear rounds.Good to see there are 8 ever presents on the medium course.
The long course remains a two horse race - which despite Liam's success it could be still a tall order to land the title as he is to miss 2 key events.Season best performances from Neil (fresh from his mountain training in the Picos D'Europa),Alex and Dave B. Good performances from 2 long ever presents Jay and Lee.
Thanks to the kite collectors Harriet,Heather & Elena - Brian was impressed with the multi-tasking!
Next week we return to the hills of Normanby Le Wold, where we will be using a new parking area - turn left at the church for 200 metres.
Also it should be noted that there are livestock of the bovine variety, electric fences and churned up gate entrances in some of the fields so juniors may wish to be accompanied if competing the Short Course.
Also, with regret the KO Poacher Cup event due to take place on June 25th has been cancelled. A cup competition (not Knock Out) will be incorporated into the last League Event at Normanby on June 19th - details to follow.