Wet Wet Wet are performing at Rasen Racecourse in a few weeks and the weather and conditions were appropriate, with a Scottish type mizzle descending on the Uplands of Lincolnshire.Half term, weather,terrain and those saving themseves for the LCS restricted this weeks entry.
Two hardy souls completed the Short course enthusiastically with Elspeth beating Flora (must be the Scottish blood).
The Medium Course was competitive as ever with Yasmin taking the honours - but it is still all to play for, for the trophies.With the worst Series performances being discounted from next week it is too tight to call.Series best performances from Elena/Mary V/Pat/Anne and Clare - all that climb was worth it! Only seconds seperated Emily & Marsaili - not pleasant for teenage girls to endure - when they no doubt would have preferred to be watching 1D at the Stadium of Light last night.
The pendulum swung Paul's way on the Long Course with an 18 second success over rival Liam.Plenty of others who relished the conditions with Dean, Paul S, Pete S, Mike S, Andrew, Mary C, Ali, Lee, David B, and Wayne producing Series best performances.
Next week it is the start of the Park/ Sprint events at Central Park Scunthorpe - fast and furious format.