Plenty of people to thank this week - in no particular order Andrew, Pete S, Brian, Neil, Harriet & Isoldt - all played their part in producing good courses, IT solving & kite collecting in that particular order.
Although results not quite verified ( some mp's did eventually complete their distance quotas - so will gain League points).
Early indications show that on the Short Robert potentially has gained his first victory of the Series (improving every week) but probably too late to displace Elspeth.
On the Medium Yasmin's 4th potential success of the Series gives her a total of 393 points for the Series - on my reckoning Kate can still achieve 394 points with 2 final victories.Once again little to choose between the top 5 and interesting to see that Kate did the extra 1km to reduce her average speed but not quite by enough to beat Yasmin. Luke also can just about beat Joe for top Junior and looks at home with the Sprint format.
On the Long whilst Paul was no doubt still wallowing from last weeks LCS success on the Sardinian Costa Smeralda, he would have been equally delighted to see Thomas make an unexpected appearance and snatch a victory from Liam with Zac making an expected appearance but an unexpected mp. Liam is away on holiday for the last 2 events so he can achieve a maximum of 395 whilst Paul can achieve 397. However points on the board could be vital especially if Zac, Thomas and perhaps the Wards compete in any of the last 2 events.
Next week we enter the LOG Border Zone (A631)but not infiltrating into their territory at Hemswell Cliff (former RAF base)- newly mapped semi-urban/park area (1:3000) with parking on the old Parade Ground adjacent to the Antique Centres.
Reminder about the Beverley Urban Event on Sunday and the first LUL Event in Lincoln next Thursday.
Once again special thanks to Pete for beavering away through the night to produce results you all can examine over your breakfasts.