This combined effort from HALO, Grimsby Institute and the Forestry Commission came to fruition on the 2nd April 2014.

The event was supported by the 3 institutions shown in the results. Grimsby Institute brought their 34 students in the morning. They will have trampled down the vegetation for others to follow more easily later in the day. Never-the-less, Callum and Sam were victorious with 455 points, proving beyond doubt their superior skills of navigation and speed. In 2nd position were Jason and North, just in front of Marcus and Ben who were over-time and received severe penalty points of 90. Each pair received wooden plaque recording their position and commemorating the occasion.

Unlike the Grimsby students, those from Tollbar Academy were new to Willingham Woods and faired very well considering they had little experience in a technical area. Saxon and Luke were Tollbar's top scorers with prodigy Charlotte in 3rd position.

The year 10s from De Aston who ran at 12.45 recorded commendable points in the 60 minutes which were allowed. Thomas, Charlie and Liam came 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively receiving their shields before they left. The shields were kindly sponsored by Grimsby College and HALO. Thomas was a clear winner being 45 points ahead despite his 2 minute penalty.

The 21s and over brigade competed at convenient times so that they could help with the organisation. Dave Jolly collected 29 controls and reckons he ran 8km approximately. An optimum straight line course was 8.6km but you would not attempt to go straight in Willingham. Neil came second, having spent only 48 minutes in the forest, showing what an efficient navigator he is. Lawrence of 'Mastermind' fame came a creditable 3rd after penalties of 100. I think he wanted to make the most of his visit.

Thanks to all who participated especially the staff who made the effort to get their students into the great outdoors. Also to Wally Grice of The Forestry Commission for his kind permission to use this interesting and varied area.
Thanks to Dave, Neil, Chris and Lawrence for your help in the running of the event. We were cleared up and SI boxes collected by 5.15-ish.

Brian Slater