When and whether to use this area is always a dilemna. The relatively hard winter meant that this year the runnability was better than the past few years.
Although a compact area the physicality and diversity of features is such that with good planning challenging and fair courses can result. David achieved this with contol picking, route choices and precision orienteering the main determinants. The grouping of controls did result in a number of mp's even by the very experienced!
On the Short Course Flora gained her third consecutive success with LOG's Hannah a close second.
On the Medium Course the Field Junior pair took a 1-2 with Emily producing her best Poacher result with third place.Mel and Lawrence took note of last week's report by improving considerably. Consistency will be once again be the key this year and Yasmin is Miss Consitency so remains favourite. Megan has also began the Series well at all 3 events so far.
On the Long Course the LOG 1-2 domination continues with Paul again taking first spot. I understand that another former winner is due to return for the odd event in the very near future - so the LOG domination may be short lived!Neil and Dean have been consistent as ever and are once again front runners for the Masters title (if Paul wins main competition). Special mention for Ben of LOG who is by far the yougest and smallest Long Course competitor who is never phased or put off with the imposing obstacles that he encounters (those that are waist high to us are head high for Ben) and he is now consistently beating some of his clubmates.
So to next week where we once again race at Twigmoor. New planner Helena reliably informs me that despite the dry weather the 'swamps' will not be utilised. 2 weeks ago the area was at its best when I visited with excellent runnability - but 2 weeks is a long time in Poacher country.