Brian certainly got the best from this ever changing woodland with courses that certainly tested the early season fitness of competitors together with their navigational techniques and where direct running between controls seemed to pay off.
On the Short Course Flora repeated her success last week with another victory with Harry and Elizabeth both within 2.5 minutes of the winner.
On the Medium it was a night for the Juniors with the first 4 places going to the youngsters with Luke, having recovered from his CST injury, beating the pair of Fields and Dom, who did however beat his dad. 2 of last years contenders Mel and Lawrence have struggled to maintain their form from last year. So this year will be as competitive as ever, especially with new club member Megan heading the Ladies class, with plenty of other '#thesegirlscan'rivals. Good to see the original 'Poacher Pete' competing, albeit at half his old pace with only one good knee now to utilise.
On the Long only 3 seconds seperated Paul and Liam, with Paul like last year fractionally the quicker in the close contests. One close competition this year looks like being the SuperVets where only 18 seconds seperated multiple winner Dave O, Paul S and Rod. With the latter 2 planning future events; when they play their 'Joker' will be crucial.
Next week we are at the 'unpredictable' Osgoodby! I am sure it will not be as physical as last time but there will still be some patches of undergrowth - the exact amount could be weather dependent and as the planner is a meteorologist I forecast lightning quick courses (perhaps)! Parking at Ten Acres Cafe on A1103. Please take care crossing this road to access and egress the forest.