I trust your enjoyment was not too spoilt last night. The disappearance of kites is not a new phenomona at Poacher Events but fortunately as most are held on private woodlands it is a rare occurrence. The fact that one control in a large depression far off the beaten track was taken is very puzzling - but you can never take anything for granted these days.Certainly credit must given to the Juniors who must have been grief stricken to find no control when they were in the right place; none of whom then were panic stricken and returned to the finish accordingly. With SI technology the corresponding legs can be excluded and meaningful results produced.Also those on the Medium Course, although all there controls were intact, had run over the 8pm watershed when controls are collected in and were still looking for 117.
The above should not distract from Helena's planning which produced excellent challenging courses in challenging terrain using parts of the map we had not ventured in before. The combination of short sprint style legs with long technical legs certainly brought the cream to the top, with victories again for Flora, Yasmin and Paul.Good Series best performances on the night from Oliver (Short)Heather, Chris, John, Rosie, Elspeth, Terry P, Anne, Tracey, Dorothy, Geoff H (Medium) John M, Andrew, Rod, Carl, Harriet (Long).
Next week we return to Yarborough Country at Mausoleum. Note : a change to Start - now at Southern End. Registration will be in the small parking area (room for officials and kite collectors only) North of A18 in Great Limber. Other parking in the village - Grasby Road, Brickyard, Church Lane, Village Hall (last resort). May be best to go to registration ready to run - take care crossing road.