When Nettleton was first used in 1999 the majority of the woodland was very runnable unfortunately that since that time like a number of FC woodlands they have deteriorated. However the forest was probably better now than the last time it was used in 2013 when many rutted areas wrere evident. It does provide a challenge to the planner and Andrew was able to give us all a mix of the rough and the smooth to good effect. Times were all around par and a lot less than last time.
On the Short newcomer Toby scraped home by 13 seconds ahead of previously unbeaten Flora (Father David this week in Oman will be eagerly studying the splits to determine which were the decisive splits!)Good to see the Cook's progressing well after some one to one coaching last week.
On the Medium Luke and Yasmin had off days probably due to exam fatigue and brother Joe took advantage. Chris in training for his Olympic Park 10k is hitting form at the right time. Inter household rivalries saw Megan just pip Oliver, Geoff beat Tracey and John only just pip Sue (who inadvertently over ran the finish).
On the Long it was a good night for the Fields claiming 3 out of the first 4 places with Zac returning to beat Liam this time in the absence of Paul.
Next week we return to Hendale with parking at Grasby Crossroads - take care crossing the road to the woodland. Before that there is a HALO event on Saturday at Humber Bridge CP starts from 13:00.
Following last weeks comment about Primrose being possibly an ever present my facts were incorrect and our Poacher historian came up with a full list of events over the years which is interesting to those who have competed all those years.List posted on seperate link.