This new area proved to be very challenging and enjoyable. The area of social housing is ideal for intricate navigation on the run. Pete Harris exploited this extensively. There were many favourable comments about the area, the map and the courses. We used the original smaller area last year for an evening event, a small Saturday session and a training session for WOC 2016.

Pete Harris explored this area in 2014 and began mapping, knowing that we had a prime area on our doorstep. The extension to the map naturally leant itself to UKUL inclusion. So a big thank you to Pete for his vision and implementation of the event.

Having the school facilities was a bonus, as was the weather, which drew participants from far and wide. A turn-out of 150 for a HALO event is highly prized. Especially when it is in Grimsby, "The Out-backs", teetering on the boarders of Cleethorpes "The Last Resort".

Congratulations to the winners and all who collected points for the league. I must thank Pete on behalf of Heather Smithard for fixing the SI Boxes securely without blocking the socket for those larger expensive 'dibbers'. It is our practice now since developing a fixing for the JK 2016.

In retrospect we should have offered replacement SI Cards for those on the A course who needed a 'dibber' with a 34 capacity memory. Apologies. The early red 'dibbers'(5)still record a total time but the later splits are not recorded.

We had a small team of helpers who worked relentlessly for your enjoyment. A big thank you to them.

Thanks to Jeff Baker, controller, for his oversight of the whole event.

A small T-shirt, pink, size 3/4, 'Higear' was found - it could be an Airienteer's we think. We would like to return it.

Brian Slater, Organiser