A big thank you to the owner Anthony Ashwin for his kind permission to use the woods and parkland. You will be pleased to know that the tenant farmers, James and Susan Wake, kindly moved the bull and heifers to an adjacent field for our safety and also allowed us car parking.

Thank you those who pre-entered as this gave me an indication of numbers for map printing but also indicated the number of port-a-loos to order for '70 ' participants.

The woods and pasture were/are not in the best condition for orienteering at this time of year. Slippery slope, 5 feet tall dying nettles and barbed wire fences. These need special attention from all of you stalwarts. The working forest is particularly challenging for planners so we hope you enjoyed the prettier areas which were encountered.

Well done all of the winners who obviously rose to the challenge of Londesboro'. There were some convincing wins on 'Short Green' and 'Very Short Green' from Helen and Judith respectively.

Control '72' SI Box was found to be completely sodden after being placed rather early on Wednesday morning. We find that the SI boxes are normally extremely resistant to the elements, however not on this occasion. The box is presently drying on my hallway radiator; yes I have switched on my heating.

We had to insert some fictitious times for early runners who came across the flooded '72'. Please bare this in mind when looking at the splits browser: - Black no.12; Blue no.10; Green no.8:

Perhaps people will make use of 'Route Gadget' so that others can see where they went wrong or right!

The winning times were as per BO recommendations apart from 'Brown', so thanks to Mary, our planner, and Mike, our Controller, for their meticulous work.

Thank you all, the field was litter free on leaving the car park. The exit to the field held out well despite the wet bits. A few competitors incurred minor injuries, a barbed finger and a poorly ankle: I wish you a quick recovery.

We would have no events if it weren't for our HALO Club helpers, 16 in all, so a massive thanks to them from us all.

Controller, Mike Ridealgh, from EBOR, many thanks to you for your supportive and knowledgeable input.

Brian Slater, organiser.