For those of you who missed the score event the map we used is found under front page article 'NYD Course Map'.


George; Paul & Emma Maria
Luke; Dom & Chris
Yasmin; Alex G & Helen
Alex S & Jacob
Danny; Joe & Elspeth David
Pete; Oliver & John
Neil; Rosanne & Flora Ann
Dean; Megan & Brian
Stuart; Kate & Isoldt
Charlotte; Amanda & Mary

The winners with 430 points and fastest time were Danny; Joe & Elspeth David.
Well done you 4! A close 2nd were Dean; Megan & Brian.

The quiz, kindly provided by Pete Harris, was won by Rosanne & Co.
Good knowledge, what!

A good race was had by HALO's British Champion, Charlotte. All controls and points collected well within the time allowed.
Have we been shown how to do it? Discuss.

Performances to note also were those of our up and coming men in 2nd, 3rd & 4th places. Keep up the training!

Brian Slater