Hope you all brave hardy souls enjoyed last nights experience.
A few firsts last night:
1) Map extended to include the field to the north with its' different intricate features and climb.
2) First Poacher snow I believe - have had hail before but thick snow?? I think it was better than the rain 2 years ago.
3) First time no livestock in fields, thanks to farmers for accommodating us.
4) First time in the Wolds in April
5) First time winner Ben on Long Course
6) First time I have been complimentary to Mary C - who would have only been 21 minutes behind the winner if the HALO handicap had been applied but probably a lot more if Dave had not rescued her stuck straddled over a fence.
Good day for the Mather family with Ben being the stand out performer of the day only 20 seconds behind Yasmin - worth the journey North from LOGland.
Apologies to Harriet a regular Long Course runner who I inadvertently gave a Medium Course map to at the start.

Next week we return to Twigmoor - courses already planned by Paul - who already has booked his getaway (even before the event) - I wonder why?
Thanks to kite collectors Isoldt, Karl, Phil & Ben who enjoyed the evening sunset (yes it was sunny).