Apologies for those on the Medium who had to wait for maps. Obviously the extra warm up helped Chris, in that he was able to record a well deserved victory by over a minute. It was a good evening for the Ultra Vets with over 70's taking 4 out of the top 7 places, with Anne in particular on her 'come back' taking many scalps.
On the Long Liam fended off Brian's challenge by only 15 seconds - follow Brian's head cam video to see where the crucial seconds were lost. Dave I am sure would have been there or thereabouts if it was not for his dislike of control 11 which he visited twice, firstly punching on his way to 6 and then forgetting to punch on his return!!!
Thanks to kite collectors Terry, Chris, Dave, Marsaili, Amanda and Isoldt. Next week we return to LOG land then the week after in Brigg with it's extended map.