This was a good turnout for the extended Brigg Map incorporating the northern industrial estate and the residential social housing complex with interesting parkland. Log were out in great numbers hoping to gain points for individuals and Their Club. Luke Snell, back from injury, put in an exceptional performance 'pipping' both Dom's dad, Chris, and Dom to the finish. Chris, where did that 3 seconds go?

We saw Pete Kullich,(Poacher GURU), 12th on the medium course, experimenting with 'Urban Racing' and achieving a very creditable position in the results given his run/walk pace.

Alison Wright, LOG, is back in the picture being top lady in the medium just 2.5 minutes ahead of Holly Horton, HALO's secret weapon.

Jeff Baker, LOG M65, chased by Pete Shew,HALO M70, will have to get some training in as Pete works on improving his PB on the 'Park Run' from 30 to 28 minutes.

On the LONG a victory for David who has been working towards this by running every single day for the last at least one year. A good lesson in time management can be learned here. David took 64 seconds off youngster Liam, who in turn was only 3 minutes ahead of M50 legend Brian Ward. In his day as a youngster Brian would often put in a 52 minute 10 miles; in new money that would be approximately 16km.

Tanya, from LOG, and X England team runner, is top lady in the Long. Only 8.5 minutes behind the winner and not all that familiar with Brigg Town as are some of us HALOs.

LOG turned out 13 of their best and most enthusiastic runners to make sure that the Lincolnshire Urban League Team prize goes to them. HALO needs to pick up more points at Caistor and Washingborough to get some where near to, or more than LOG's cumulative points score.

Pete Harris was planner for 'Brigg LUL 4' and produced very interesting legs and route choices. Our thanks go to Pete in his absence. Pete Shew and myself placed the controls, Pete did the 'LONG' and I did the 'Medium', just so that there could be no criticism if we were to win!

Thank you to Emily, Holly Horton, Tracey, Lee and Pete for collecting in the controls as the night drew in, you are all 'STARS'.

Brian Slater