Firstly many thanks to Brian for single handedly put on this event.
This new area proved not to be as daunting, in terms of physicality, as we had expected, with Brian sparing us all the full climb up Mansgate Hill. However using the lower reaches he was able to produce good technical challenges as well as visiting a number of historic Roman sites.
On the Medium it was a close run thing with Holly utilising her local knowledge to good affect beating Ali and Chris, with the latter two only separated by one second.
On the Long the versatile Liam revenged his unexpected defeat last week by romping home from Brian W and the returning Paul. Liam this orienteering season has won virtually all the events and series' in Lincolnshire. Unortunately he is planning the UKUL Lincoln City Race next month - so he won't be able to make it a clean sweep.
Participation in this year's LUL has been encouraging, with the exception of the Short course; however it concludes next Thursday in Washingborough (3km SE of Lincoln) with the parking in the neighbouring village of Heighington. Some of the individual prizes may have already been won but there is still plenty to run for in the HALO v LOG team competition, which is too close to call (pity Charlotte will be on her way to Hungary to compete in the World University Championships.