Thanks to Mary for planning the event and to Brian for printing the maps, even though he was unable to attend the event. (Brian was renewing his First Aid qualifications. He is one of a small number of First Aiders in the club, without these volunteers we would not be able to organise events of this type).
Control '49' presented a few problems, a gate was locked shortly after Mary put it out, meaning no-one could get to it. At least that made it fair for everyone, although a few of us did waste extra time by trying to approach from the wrong side of the wall - through the washing lines! It could have been worse, the gate could have been locked as Mary was fastening the control - you define 'worse'.
I confess to having a slight advantage on the night as I helped Mary to put out some of the controls. I suspect some may want me declared non-competitive, but then I suspect some may vote for Donald Trump.
I put out control '32'. Half a dozen runners found it, mainly early starters when there was more light, it was still there when I collected it, in exactly the same place, possibly slightly higher up a tree than some expected!
Big thanks to Paul, Pat, Pete, David, Ken and me for collecting controls.
Neil H