Thanks to all those hardy souls for turning up on a cold December night. Conditions underfoot were a little slippery due to wet leaves over the chalky surface but thankfully no mishaps. Well, Mary had a couple of spectacular falls, but other than that, no mishaps.
A close win for David over the experienced, visiting Joe after the handicaps were applied. Good runs for Paul and Luke who also got all 20 controls.
Apologies to James who mistook the rules to be one odd then one even, rather than odds then evens. His 14 controls would have given him 167 points and 7th place. Better luck next week, James.
Thanks to David, Mary, Paul and Brian for collecting the controls and thanks to the Country Park Inn for letting us use their premises - I can recommend their Christmas Ale.
Next week is at Noddle Hill Nature Reserve, Bransholme, Hull - a much more open area than the country park with an extensive path network, the key will be knowing which path you are on! Entry by email to Neil ( before midnight Sunday (December 11th).