This was the best turn out so far in the Spring Pub League (25). The course was planned with route choices here and there, but also with imposed brain scratching to decide which order to visit the controls. Well done the 200 points runners, I would not like to have been in your running shoes. It took me ages to ascertain an optimum sequence. I measured one route which was 8.5km actual (approx.)! I will see David tonight at 'Caistor Coaching' who will no doubt have measured his route distance.

Pamela is back with a very neat 110 points. You must have been training whilst away?

Credits: - The Old Mill, A great venue with WIFI so that results were uploaded before you got home! And - before Pete Shew got back with his 5 controls.

Thank you to the collectors: - Colin & Holly, Pete Shew, Alex Smith, & David & Elspeth. Whose turn to collect next week at Beverley?

In prep for Sunday's 'Compass Sport Trophy Event' I will be putting on some exercises to hi-light 'aiming-off'; 'attack points' and 'collecting & catching features' at Caistor tonight.
