Pete Harris put on very good courses last night. He kept us thinking right up until the end and gave some legs for stretching out if you can run. Well done the winners Liam, Chris and Oliver. Names to watch out for Sam - Long, Elspeth - Medium, and Henry - Short.

Willingham is not an easy forest to plan but Pete managed to find some runnable and challenging legs. Thanks for a great start to the Poacher series. Next week is at Mausoleum - parking in the Village and ramblers carpark.

Route Gadget is there to use. Please plot your course and race (virtually) against your nearest rival - great entertainment. Choose some one who you beat on the night if they have plotted their course. When plotting make sure you click the very centre of the circle so that it changes from red to purple - then it is fixed.

Thanks to the collectors:- Sam, Ben, Dave, David, Isoldt & Pete. Ta! to the SI guys. Please offer your services at least once during the series. We will ask for offers as you register.
