This area unfortunately has not got any better over time, the thinning out of the forest has led to a considerable increase in the undergrowth. So Chris should be applauded for producing excellent courses utilising the pockets of runnable areas. The higher percentage of track running benefited the more athletic, but those of us less so, hopefully will benefit from the extra fitness.
The one talking point on the Long Course was Control 13. The leg from 12 produced some large variations in time, the 140m as shown on the map was covered by some in 20 seconds - even a certain Mr Bolt would have struggled to record such a time. Although the majority found the control by taking a 'natural' route around some thick vegetation in front, others were penalised by taking a direct approach - so the leg has now been voided (Controllers discretion).
Joe would have won either way but the 2/3/4 positions have been adjusted as have others by the odd place or so further down the 'Field'.
Good runs on the night from Rod, Carl, Phil and Colin.
On the Medium, Holly once again took the honours from the athletic Jonathan and the equally athletic Alison. Good runs from the athletic Elspeth, Pam and Alex.
On the Short, Harry and Imogen share top position in the League table with equal points and were once again one - two.
Next week were return to more runnable terrain at Swallow Vale.