The torrential downpours all day and evening did not dampen the spirits of the 50 starters, however Twigmoor's reputation as the Poacher Tempest was once again upheld. All those who finished require congratulating as the map once again required a unique form of interpretation of the detail, particularly the contours. Brian should be commended for combining fair and testing courses.
On the Short, Hannah was once again the victor from Imogen & Harry.
On the Medium, Holly was once again the victor from the Joker playing Megan and the consistent Rosie. Good runs from Terry, Andy, Flora and Mary C.
On the Long, Joe was once again the victor from Liam and Neil. Helena, playing her joker, produced a 'storming' performance and now closes the gap with Yasmin, so her 'reign' is not yet over! Other good runs from Peter F (&H)plus Brian S. The latter 2 now being ahead in their classes, more than likely short lived.
Thanks to Helena, Mary, David & Neil for collecting the controls.
Next week it is WOD & LCS at Primrose - anyone wishing to compete needs to contact me at, there should be some EOD but not necessarily guaranteed. Note Short course runners do not need to pre enter. I have compiled a list of those who I have seen, this will be posted on the website in due course. If not on the list please contact me by Monday (midnight).