I hope you all enjoyed the action packed evening and the result of LCS.
Thanks to Megan and Oli who worked tirelessly for the past 2 weeks to produce 2 courses which needed to work for both the novices and the very experienced all within a restricted area with mixed vegetation. They certainly succeeded on all fronts.
The format was used last year at Cranwell and Pete S had spent a considerable amount of time developing the software - so decided to use his expertise again! So many thanks again Pete for producing the results and posting them on our website in the early hours of the night so that they are readily available for us to peruse over our breakfasts. It is appreciated.
The results take some digesting but Hannah, Holly and Liam were Poacher winners. Holly, Liam and Paul were LCS class winners and HALO were team winners. Well done to all.
The inter team rivalry continues in mid June with the LUL and the Poacher rivalry continues next Wednesday at Normanby Hall - southern part, access via Bagmoor Lane.