Firstly, I am pleased to report that Karen is fine after her visit to A & E and she says the nettle stings are more painful than the wound itself! We wish her a speedy recovery and all the best for Sunday's Woodall Spa 10k if she can make the start lane.
Secondly, can all present trophy holders please return them either next week or the week following.
Thirdly, I would like to thank Helena for planning in an area which is perhaps our most complex and producing in one stalwarts words the 'most technical Poacher ever'!! With over 200 previous events this is no mean effort. So anyone completing the courses can congratulate themselves and another stalwart who managed to find 3 controls will no doubt welcome the start of the 3 Poacher Sprints.
To be consistent with P3 the results have been adjusted to take into account control 111 - the pit!
On the Short Hannah took top points as Oli n/c. Good to see Rebecca and Victoria improving each week.
On the Medium, Holly maintained her unbeaten run but Jonathan could be victorious very soon as he continually improves. Megan has been very consistent this year - always in the top 4.
On the Long, Joe T took the honours from Paul and Liam. Good results from Yasmin, David O and Andrew, with the latter playing a successful Joker. Could Yasmin be the first competitor to win trophies on Short, Medium and Long - a true Poacher stalwart when still in her teens!
Next week after the Yarborough 4, the Scunny 3 we have the RAF 2 with the start of the Sprints. Full details of the format will be on the website in due course.