Thanks once again to all who have helped to make Poacher 20 another success, planners, landowners, kite collectors, Si & Results team and to the 100 competitors. A special thanks to Brian who for the past couple of days has been making tracks (not necessarily straight)in the dense undergrowth between control points to make it as runnable as possible - I am sure it could have been a lot worse!
There was only one trophy up for grabs - the Long Course (as Paul got his clear round), with Liam enjoying the Greek sunshine, Joe the new Lord of the Manor took advantage and took his sixth victory. Although equal on points, the extra success (6 to 5) meant the title has gone to the County of Nottinghamshire for the first time. The Knights of Lincoln will no doubt already be planning revenge next campaign (starting April 11th 2018).
Congratulations to the other winners Hannah, the first ever unbeaten athlete Holly,debutant Jonathan, Megan, Pete S, Neil (14th victory), Yasmin and Paul.
Plenty of more orienteering opportunities with LUL (tonight), Hull-O (this weekend), the 2 mini Mountain Marathons (July 22nd & Aug 12th).
Hope to see as many as possible in Market Rasen next Weds where shorts should be the order of the day - especially if a few footpaths are cleared Brian style.