There was much discussion as to the best routes following the Holly & Colin Courses last evening. Course lengths and climb were perfect. Only one miss-punch which could easily have been a technical glitch, but hard to ascertain. This was the Hortons debut as planners and little assistance was required from the mentor which says a lot for their innate skills with software and their ability to present navigation challenges for us keen Urban participants.

It was a crowded Social Club last night, yet there was a pleasant friendly atmosphere, which speaks lots for the Caistor Community. We were made most welcome.

With Holly out of the running on this occasion, Ben, on the 'Medium', was able to step in and show his true grit on a tough course with plenty of decision making and physical content i.e. 'climb' - Well Done! Sister Hannah, also of LOG, had a convincing win on the 'Short Course'.

Liam kept well in front on the 'Long, pipping David and Brian by a few minutes. Incidentally, just after I started my jamboree on the 'Medium Course', between control 1 and 2, Liam came hurtling past on a downhill leg causing me momentary memory lost as I was caught up it the Vortex. I stood motionless as I contemplated my next move which was to locate the snicket/gunnel/narrow passage just across the road.

Later this morning I checked out the Splitalyser graph and discovered how Mary Vickers had beaten me by a close, very close 30 seconds. On the last control I had taken the scenic route West thro' the snicket then to the South then West and North to the 'Finish' losing 90 seconds on Mary. Now that I have been totally 'transparent' why not tell your stories of your catastrophes? Use the newsletter; send articles to Chris Simmonds.

A big thanks to our deservedly ecstatic planners who challenged all - and also to our volunteer kite collectors, Holly, Harriet, David, Neil & Tracey. Thanks to Pete S. for the SI management.


Can't wait for the next event to see if I can improve, (used to do much better!).