EPIC, EPIC, EPIC, thank you Pete Harris for an enjoyable run. Following the trend set by LOG's Paul Murgatroyd, a challenging HALO Wolds & Wood Mini Marathon event was set.

Pete managed to plan a course/courses that seemed to challenge and suit all. Some went for the low ground others for the high - is there a Scottish song that comes to mind? The addition of inserts on the reverse of the main map facilitated navigation which was very helpful, at times, for some of us. The spacing of controls was intelligently set by the planner. 690 points would have been achievable for someone who could fly as a crow over 22.5km and climb half a mountain whilst navigating the best route to take in 31 controls sites in a 45km square theatre. Jos Naylor comes to mind.

Anyway, congratulations to our Norwich Orienteer, Nick Pullen, 1st (Gold) for his excellent choice of route gaining him 510 points. Our own Colin Horton,(HALO) recovering from injury, but being a local veteran fell/Wold runner, will be kicking himself for not picking up that critical extra control to get him an equal 1st. Phil Gray, Poacher Stalwart, came in just in front of Nick Lyons to get 'Bronze'. Well Done all of you. And well done everybody else.

Holly Horton, highest scoring lady, must be a chip off the old block. An excellent run, her next target is to beat Dad; then you'll know you are improving. I remember being very pleased for my son, Jeff, when he started taking minutes per km off me!

The (1hr) course was closely contested by the 2 Martins who were just 10 points apart. The experienced LOG man pipping the younger participant/athlete to receive the 'Gold'. The 'Bronze' goes to the 'first lady in', Mary Vickers, with 100 points, who is starting to climb the navigational/athletic ladder - if there is such a thing? Well Done Mary.

By clicking on the 'splits' you will be able to look at others' sequences of controls visited.

The social side of this event was superbly and efficiently sourced by some other excellent orienteers namely Isoldt and Amber Harris and others etc who were memorably congratulated and thanked, as were all, by our chair Neil, positioned 7th in the (3hr) class.

It was good to see families, couples and adult/child pairs participating. Can't wait for the next one!

We thank those kind individuals also who went out for a second time to collect in the valuable SI Boxes, gripples and kites.

Pete Harris goes down now in history as the most creative/strategic/logistic orienteer we have ever known. His and Isoldt's kind invitation to their home afterwards enabled us to view Pete's spreadsheet of his and Isoldt's visit to Canada starting on Monday. It is magnificent and for sale if anyone wants a copy. The Harrises also serve delicious beer, tea, coffee, wine and magnums.

Please send me any constructive or humorous observations relating to the 'marathon' and I will place them on the website (subject to editing).

I will attempt to correct age classes in the (1hr) class a.s.a.p. Now sorted by Guru, Pete Shew - Thanks.

